Abstract | U Crkvi se je redovito vodilo računa da vjernici budu pripravljeni na primanje sakramenata. Tako je i sa sakramentom ženidbe. Ipak, tek se je godine 1939. otvorio prvi suvremeni centar priprave za brak u Ottawi, u Kanadi. Nakon toga pomalo se taj oblik priprave proširio u Katoličkoj Crkvi diljem svijeta. Priprava za bračni i obiteljski život treba biti postupan i kontinuiran proces i imati odgovarajuće organizacijske oblike. Crkveno djelovanje u pripravi za brak se ostvaruje kroz tri temeljne faze: dalja, bliža i neposredna priprava. Ženidba je sakrament kojim se supružnici posvećuju za određeno poslanje u izgradnji Crkve i daje milost za ostvarenje tog poslanja. Ovim se sakramentom, življenim kao djelotvoran znak ljubavi Krista i Crkve, uspostavlja trajna i isključiva veza između supružnika, koju je Bog zapečatio. Dok su temeljni sadržaji priprave za brak općenito prisutni u svim biskupijama u Hrvatskoj koje organiziraju tečajeve priprave za brak, njihov format i trajanje u velikoj mjeri variraju. U nekim biskupijama održava se manji broj susreta, uglavnom predavačkog tipa, a u nekima je veći broj susreta na kojima su zastupljene i radionice. Malo je dostupnih radnih materijala, a uglavnom se koriste knjiga i radna bilježnica. Na nekim mjestima se provodi evaluacija koja je uglavnom vrlo pozitivna, a predviđeno je da program pripreme za brak prati i program praćenja mladih bračnih parova, što se međutim teško ostvaruje. |
Abstract (english) | In the Church, care was regularly taken to ensure that the faithful were prepared to receive the sacraments. It is the same with the sacrament of marriage. However, it was not until 1939 that the first modern marriage preparation center was opened in Ottawa, Canada. After that, this form of preparation gradually spread to the Catholic Church all over the world. Preparation for married and family life should be a gradual and continuous process and have appropriate organizational forms. Church activity in preparation for marriage is realized through three fundamental phases: further, closer, and immediate preparation. Marriage is a sacrament that consecrates the spouses for a specific mission in building the Church and gives grace for the realization of that mission. With this sacrament, lived as an effective sign of the love of Christ and the Church, a permanent and exclusive bond is established between the spouses, sealed by God. While the basic contents of marriage preparation are generally present in all dioceses in Croatia that organize marriage preparation courses, their format and duration vary greatly. In some dioceses, a smaller number of meetings are held, most of the teaching type, and in some, there are a larger number of meetings that also include workshops. There are few work materials available, and most books and a workbook are used. In some places, the evaluation is carried out, which is mostly very positive, and it is planned that the marriage preparation program will be followed by the monitoring program for young married couples, which, however, is difficult to achieve. |